Our Structure and Board


EMPA is a not-for-profit company registered in Australia. It is governed by a Board currently comprising directors from Australia and advisors from New Zealand and the United States.

The Board is supported by High Profile Events Pty Ltd which provides the secretariat and event support for events. There are conference committees on either side of the Tasman and a community of practice committee to oversee the development of a programme that furthers knowledge and networking outside the conferences. From time to time other committees are established to manage and deliver projects. 

Our board directors & office holders

Jeremy Hillman

(Co-Chair/Director, Australia)

Sam Rossiter-Stead
(Co-Chair/Board Advisor, NZ)

Dr Barbara Ryan
(Secretary/Director Australia)

Lorraine Churchill
(Board Advisor, USA)

Kate Delmo
(Director, Australia)

Renae Hanvin
(Director, Australia)

Alison Martin
(Director Australia)

Bron Sparkes
(Director, Australia)